Sunday, 24 July 2011

Miles Does the Double!

Another win today for Miles Groom at the Great Missenden grade 3 red event.  Keep them coming Miles, that trophy cabinet must be filling up now!!!

Miles Groom wins at Gerrard Cross!!

Well done to Miles Groom who won the red event yesterday at Gerrards Cross Bull Lane!  And brother Louis got to the quarters of the orange.

Keep it up boys:)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

James Fahmy runner-up at Halton.

Congrats to James Fahmy who was runner up at the Orange grade 6 matchplay at Halton.

Keep it up James!!

Former Chesham Bois Players visit from France and Switzerland.

Its been a while since I have seen Victor Busshop and its been a few years since Hannah and Nadine Eliasson moved to Switzerland.  They are all doing great since moving, Victor is just starting to play competition in and around Paris while Hannah is 5th in Switzerland and Nadine top 15!!  Good going guys:)

We had a great session on Saturday with all 3 joining up with Angus Creighton, and again on Sunday.  It just goes to show how hard work and passion pays off.  All of them are playing well, competing at a very high level and loving the game.  Long may that last and I'm sure it will.

Maybe they'll come over next May to play in the Chesham Bois JR Open...